Travel Images Photography Tours: Newsletter

Updated: Thursday the 13th of February, 2025



Hello Photo Friends.

Details of all our photo tours can be found in the 2025 - 2027 photo tour calendar.

We are also able to consider special requests for customized or private photo tours to replace a trip without enrollments or a void in our calendar. It doesn't hurt to ask!

You're here just to look at photographs perhaps?! No problem. The full list of photo galleries is here.


2025 2025
Calendar of photography tours Index of photography tour picture galleries

Besides these trips on the immediate horizon we offer many more photo tours
such as, in summary, Europe, South Pacific, Asia, plus North and South America. You can peruse the entire 2-year calendar by clicking on the Monument Valley image directly above-left.

As our client family are already aware, we're also able to customize dates, itineraries, and 'bring back from the dead' an itinerary that is listed under 'Itineraries not currently in the schedule' in the right-hand column of the photo tours/calendar page. Thus my lords, ladies and gentlemen, I urge thee to just ask via email if you see a photography tour you like added to the calendar!

As always, if you have a question about photography in general or our photography tours, do not hesitate to ask by clicking on your email reply button.

Whether you're a friend that has traveled with us multiple times, or a friend we're yet to meet, we want you to know that you're appreciated. Thank you!

John Baker, Photographer/Leader, Travel Images Photography Tours
"The traveling photographer has the ability to capture people, places and moments in time . . . and subsequently a plethora fond memories"

P.O. Box 939, Middleton, Idaho 83644-0939, United States
[+1] 208-559-8248


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Travel Images Photo Tours on Facebook  

Travel Images Photo Tours on YouTube

  Travel Images Photo Tours on SmugMug



To be removed from our email list please reply with 'Remove' in the subject line, and we'll be happy to remove your name from future email correspondence.

    How did you find your way onto our our e-mail list?

    The only way folk can find their way onto the Travel Images email list is if you have . . .

1: Called, written, or emailed us with a question or a newsletter request in the years since 1988.

2: Filled out our sign-up sheet when I visited your Camera Club or Photography Convention as a guest presenter.

3: Most commonly these days our email list grows via online searches for 'photo tours' and suchlike, plus we have also received inquiries via magazines and online sites we have advertised on such as Outdoor Photographer, Shawguides, Apogee, PSA Magazine, and PC Photo magazine.

4: Lastly we may have met in person while we were on a tour, or connected via one of the many web links where Travel Images is listed.
We're happy to remove your name on request, so do please ask if you no longer want to receive our emails.

Thank you.
John and Laurie


     Email your photo tour question          Enroll, register for one of our photo tours         

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Travel Images Photography Tours: Guided Landscape, Natural History, Macro and Wildlife Photography Tours
Email  |  Phone: [+1] 208-559-8248 | Postal: Travel Images, P.O. Box 939, Middleton, Idaho 83644-0939